1. Jo O'Neill
Hey Jo,
Your artwork is amazing! It looks like you put so much time and effort into them..man I wish could draw like that! The picture of the shoe is my favourite. It would be cool and interesting to be able see the process you go through to get these end pictures. Keep it up :)
2. Emma Steer
I loved reading about your partying and nights out..sounds like you have some great adventures! Your blog is very easy to read and leaves me wanting to hear more about your partying. One thing I feel could make this even better would a couple of pictures or photos so we could get the whole scene. Have fun on your future partying :)
3. Jess Cooper
I enjoyed reading about your cooking adventures throughout your blog. I especially liked this one because you still gave it another go after not getting it quite right the first time. I love chocolate cake and maybe a recipe could have been put on here for the one you made in the end..so that the rest of us could try it out :)
4. Janine Dowling
Hi Janine,
When reading your blog it made me think about all the times I've done the dishes, and how at the time I used to hate it, but really, when you look back on it, there were plenty of fun times involved. I never really thought about all of the ins and outs of washing up like this before. It could be good to just have a few more stories throughout the blog so we could see more of your washing up fun :)
Reference List:
All of the following references really helped me to understand the activity of cooking a lot better, as they gave clearer understanding of the activity itself, what other people thought of cooking and how others like to cook and why we need it. I found that these references contributed to my blog because they put in other peoples' ideas and opinions on cooking.
Caulton, R., & Dickson, R. (2007). What's going on? Finding an explanation for what we do. In J. Creek, & A. Lawson-Porter, Contemporary issues in occupational therapy. (pp. 87-114). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
James Sunderland, Occupational Therapy lecture notes, de Lore 2000. Received 9th October 2011
Visser M. (1986). Much depends on dinner. New York: Grove Press
Visser M. (1992). The rituals of dinner. London: Viking, The Penguin Group
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